Plymouth, MN 55447

How it works

Saving your memories one video at a time

Our Process

Our process is very straightforward. You get your items together, we provide an estimate, and once we meet to get your items we get started. Once we’re done you’ll get your unlocked memories back.



The first thing you need to do is gather all of the media that you want us to help you with. Once you have all of your tapes, discs, photos, and what you’d like us to do ready we can move to step 2.



Once you have you items gathered fill out our online form (below) to let us know what you’re looking for. Adam will review your request and put together an estimate for your project. We do ask that you pay for half of the estimate to get started.



Once you accept the estimate and provide the 50% payment we’ll get started on your project. You will be provided with a link to a dashboard to see the progress of your project.



Once we’re done we’ll deliver your memories back to you based on your delivery preference. 


Video Conversion

Please see pricing for converting your tapes to another format below. If you have any questions or unique needs please let us know and we’ll be happy to work with you. If you have your own USB drive for digital conversion please send it with your tapes. Otherwise you can purchase one from us.

Tape to Digital


per tape

  • VHS, VHS-C, HI-8, or Digital 8 tape to MP4 file
  • Delivered on USB drive

Tape to DVD


per tape

  • VHS, VHS-C, HI-8, or Digital 8 tape to DVD
  • DVDs provided by us

Tape to both


per tape

  • VHS, VHS-C, HI-8, or Digital 8 tape to DVD and MP4 file
  • Delivered on DVDs and USB drive

USB Drive


per drive

  • Most jobs need only one
  • Works on Mac and PC

Video Editing

We do a great job at simple editing such as adding titles, splitting videos apart, joining videos together, and the like. We can do this work in conjunction with converting tapes or as a stand-alone project. 

Standard video editing


per half hour of work

  • We review what you’re looking for to start.
  • Draft video(s) will be provided before completion.
  • Final completion can be on DVD, USB, or both.

Add title only


per tape

  • Adding basic titles to conversion project
  • Titles must be provided by customer

Photo Slideshows / Photo Scanning

We love making photo / video slideshows for all sorts of events. We offer a basic (photo only) slideshow for a flat fee of $30 otherwise we can make a custom slideshow for you at our normal rate.  We also can scan your photos for you so if you have a pile of photos we’d be happy to digitize them for you as well.

basic slideshow


flat fee for slideshow

  • Photos only up to 150 (>150 is a custom slideshow)
  • Same transition and time per photo
  • Delivered on DVD, USB, or both
  • No background music

Custom slideshow


per half hour of work

  • Combine photos and video
  • Backround music / voice-over supported

photo scanning


per photo

  • Up to 8.5″ x 11″
  • Scans at 600dpi
  • Provided in JPEG format
  • Delivered on DVD, USB, or download

In a Rush?

Most jobs take 1-2 weeks to complete. Depending on volume we may also have a bit of a backlog. Once you request an estimate we will also let you know when we would expect to finish your job. If you need any part of your job completed sooner we’ll be happy to work with you.

Conversion Rush Fee


additional per tape

Editing rush  fee


additional per half hour

Slideshow rush fee


additional per slideshow

Scanning rush fee


additional per photo

Ready to get started?

If you are ready to get started or have questions for us please fill out the form below and Adam
will get back to you shortly!

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