Plymouth, MN 55447

New Equipment & New Capabilities!

Saving your memories one video at a time

Over the last several months I’ve had several jobs that needed equipment that I didn’t already own. So, I have been buying pieces of equipment to expand my conversion capabilities.

We were doing some fall cleanup at home and found my wife’s audio cassette tapes from her choir days in high school. A couple days later I had a cassette deck that could convert her audio cassettes.

A similar thing happened when I had some slides and 8mm film to convert. I don’t quite have the capability to convert full 8mm movies yet, but I’m sure one day I’ll have a job that needs it. Until then, I’ll keep adding equipment here and there when the needs arise.

When I run into a job that needs something I don’t have I usually go out and get what I need (within reason of course…).

For now, I can convert VCR tapes, Super 8 tapes, Digital 8 Tapes, MiniDV tapes, and audio cassette tapes. I can also scan slides, negatives, stills from old 8mm film, and of course photographs.

Head over to the Get Started page if I can help you get some memories pulled off of your old school media!